

Out of Yer Shell is a curated database of resources and supports by transgender and gender non-conforming people, for transgender and gender non-conforming people and those who support them. We use research and lived experiences to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information about gender dysphoria, mental health interventions, and a myriad of other topics related to queer folx and their loved-ones.

Vision &


At Out of Yer Shell, we’re working toward a world where transgender & gender non-conforming (GNC) kids are appreciated and celebrated for their identities.

By providing a comprehensive list of resources and supports for transgender & GNC youth, their loved-ones, and service providers, we hope to make the coming out process easier, safer, and more affirming for our trans & GNC kids.

Our Values

We believe that transgender and GNC kids deserve access to resources and supports that speak to their lived experiences instead of cis-heterosexual standards of normalcy. We believe that black and brown lives matter, no human is illegal, climate change is a global crisis, and families of all genders and sexualities have a right to marriage, adoption, and fostering children. We reject neuronormativity and the systems of oppression that perpetuate human suffering and support our siblings with disabilities. We are trans-INCLUSIONARY radical feminists who believe in intersectional identities and the voices of marginalized communities. In the spirit of healing, we acknowledge and honor the original people of the land upon which we live.

Snail Power

“When a person hides in The Closet, we act as if it is their responsibility to come out. But when a snail hides in its shell, we don’t delegate responsibility the same way. A snail only hides in its shell because the world outside feels hostile. If a snail recoils at the sight of you, it’s not because the snail is cowardly or lying or deviant or withholding, it’s because you’ve scared it. When queer people hide our identities, it’s because the world and people around us felt predatory; because someone scared us – intentionally or unintentionally – and we were trying to protect ourselves.”

Jacob Tobia – Sissy: A Coming-of-Gender Story